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How Much Medical Waste Did Hospitals Create in 2022?

How Much Medical Waste Did Hospitals Create in 2022?

Any size medical practice can benefit by partnering with a medical waste management team. Here are some reasons you should have a partner to manage medical waste.

Medical waste management is full of complexity. Last year according to Enviromerica, hospitals were responsible for 5.9 million tons of waste. Healthcare providers work in a fast-paced environment, and worrying about medical waste management is a distraction they don't need. Partnering with a company that can manage medical waste is a solution that most large hospitals take advantage of. Any size medical practice can benefit by partnering with a medical waste management team. Here are some reasons you should have a partner to manage medical waste.


Waste Management Is Always Evolving

Waste management practices are constantly evolving. Rules for managing medical waste are constantly changing. Trying to keep up with the rules and regulations for managing medical waste can be challenging. Partnering with a company that focuses its energy on keeping up with the evolution of medical waste management can relieve some of the responsibility of staying on top of the regulations. A trusted partner will ensure that your practice complies.

A Partner in Waste Management Can Reduce Safety Risks

One of the best reasons to partner with a professional medical waste team is to reduce safety risks. A set of professional eyes can recognize protocol gaps and help you close those gaps. A partner in managing medical waste can provide training opportunities for staff members. Most practices do not have the staff to manage the waste lifecycle. Unfortunately, being short-staffed in this area can result in serious consequences. Partnering with a professional team to help manage waste is a safer decision.

Can Offer Cost Savings

A misstep in medical waste management can be costly. There is a potential for fines and other sanctions when medical waste isn't well managed. Paying for professional services to manage your medical waste can save you money in the long run. It can also give you peace of mind. You will be able to focus more on patient care and less on how to manage medical waste.

Every clinic, hospital, and provider should have a partner for managing medical waste. It makes the most sense. It is an ever-changing specialized field and a full-time job to keep up with those changes. Take the stress off staff and find a partner that will ensure you are following every rule of medical waste management.


Please contact us to discuss your healthcare waste needs.We can customize our services to insure you will get the services you need, at the price that is fair. With an ever-changing healthcare environment, you shouldn’t have to worry about your service providers working hand in hand with you to meet your needs.